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Il portale dell'informazione tecnico-scientifica in Italia consultato ogni anno da oltre 100.000 visitatori

Founded in Milan in 1897, FAST, the Italian Federation of the Scientific and Technical Associations, is an independent non profit organisation, legally recognized by Law of October 30th 1995 by the Minister of Scientific and Technological Research and Universities, operating on national and international level, directly, or through its associated organisations and dedicated to:
  • offer customized services to industry and public administration;
  • favour the Italian participation in European Research and Technology Programmes and their dissemination;
  • plan and carry out initiatives regarding advanced training and professional schooling;
  • deepen knowledge in the field of research policy and of tecnological development;
  • promote cultural debate, information and scientific dissemination.
The activities are conducted in the FAST Congress Center in the heart of Milan.
The Federation brings together, the most qualified and representative scientific and technical associations in Italy totalling over 50.000 members. The list of the federal associations is visible here (Associazioni federate).
These can be individuals, such as executives, tecnicians, researchers in industry, universities, representatives of self-employed professions as well as corporations, institutions and organisations of various legal nature.
FOIST, the foundation in favour of the development and diffusion of instruction and of scientific and tecnic culture, acknowledged by law of the President of the Republic of Italy on the 25th January 1965 n°86, is a direct spin-off of FAST.
The Foundation mission is to support the development of scientific and technical education and the diffusion of scientific knowledge.

1897 - 1997
FAST turns one hundred
see more details about our history
FAST Operational Structure 
Enetrprise Europe Network 
The Enterprise Europe Network was launched in February 2008 by the European Commission. It is co-financed under COSME (Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) — an EU funding programme designed to encourage the competitiveness of European enterprises. The Network helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make the most of business opportunities in the EU and beyond.
The network is present in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna through the consortium SIMPLER (Services for innovation and business competitiveness in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna) which, in addition to Fast, includes: Finlombarda Spa, Innovhub-SSI / Az. Speciale CCIAA Milano, Unioncamere Lombardia, Confindustria Lombardia, CNA Lombardia, ASTER, Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna, SIDI Eurosportello/Az. Speciale CCIAA Ravenna, Confindustria Emilia-Romagna, CNA Emilia Romagna, ENEA.
FAST Ambiente Academy
Fast Ambiente Academy offers training and dissemination activities in the environmental sector with the aim to promote the principles of sustainable development.
The Academy
  is a space for sharing knowledge between public and private companies, associations and universities; for researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the technical scientific discussion and the exchange of know-how.
I giovani e le scienze
I giovani e le scienze is an initiative organised by Fast since 1989 on behalf of the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation with the goal of promoting cooperation and interchange between young scientists and guiding them towards a future career in science and technology.
The Contest is the annual showcase of the best projects developed by young scientists in many different fields. In fact, the Contest gives to Italian students the opportunity to compete with the best of their contemporaries at National level, to compare ideas, to meet other contestants with similar abilities and interests.
Hydrogen projects
Since 2010, Fast is engaged in numerous European FP7-project (funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) dissemination: Hy Lift Demo, Hy Lift Europe, Code 2, Don Quichote, Hy Response, Alkammonia, Power Up, H2 Trust, Know Hy, Hy Professionals, Hy Facts, Hy Guide, Shel. 

Federazione delle associazioni scientifiche e tecniche
p.le R. Morandi 2, 20121 Milano - Tel. 02 77790304/305 Fax 02782485
Email: fast@fast.mi.it
Cod Fisc. e P.Iva 00916540156 - Camera di Commercio Milano REA n° 1603930
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